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Access Filter

In this case, we'll explore a more straightforward method of access verification, particularly suitable for smaller systems where the only validation we require is whether the user is registered or not

Code Generator

The Yii2 code generator is a tool that, as the name suggests, helps us generate code, saving us valuable time by providing a base structure that we can customize to suit our preferences and requirements, eliminating the tedious task of manually modifying each view, as most configurations come pre-set by default.

Vendor Files

It's crucial to understand that modifying the vendor directory in Yii2 PHP projects is discouraged and strongly advised against.

Installing Yii2

Yii2 is a PHP framework that streamlines the development process, offering a comprehensive set of tools for building applications of any size.

Template Yii2 Generator Code

Yii2's code generator is a powerful tool designed to streamline the development process by automating the creation of repetitive code segments. As the name suggests, it generates code, saving developers valuable time and effort.

Multiple languages Yii2

Creating applications that support multiple languages is crucial in today's digital era. In this guide, I'll explain how to achieve this goal using Yii2, a fantastic PHP framework.

Configuring Friendly URLs for Apache on Windows

In this blog post, I'll show you how to set up friendly URLs in Yii2 Framework

The Importance of Database Migration in Yii2

In this post, I want to discuss a tool in Yii2 that I believe is crucial for developers to understand and utilize effectively: database migration. This feature, inherent in Yii2, allows for the controlled, organized, and versioned management of database changes.